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Changing Demographics Requires a New Approach for BHS Travelers

Anyone who has traveled to Raja in the last few years will notice big changes.  There are a lot more people now and they aren’t just divers; they represent a new travel demographic.  Raja...
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A Raja Ampat Image Collection by Suzan Meldonian

Suzan Meldonian is an award winning underwater photojournalist and ocean advocate using her photo documentary work to introduce the ocean realm to the public eye.  Through her amazing images,...
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Misool Eco Foundation April Newsletter

Welcome to Misool Foundation’s Quarterly Newsletter. This quarter:  Misool Foundation is eight! Misool Manta Project: What we learned about Misool’s reef mantas in 2018 Together we...
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“Hooked on Diving”…in Raja Ampat of course! by Norman Vexler

In 1988 Norman took a NAUI dive certification course and from that time on, he’s been totally “hooked on diving!”  After many dive trips to the Caribbean, over a 14 year period, to...
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Sawandarek Jetty: New dive site by Carlo Calderaro

Administrator’s note: Many boats and some land based resorts already dive this wonderful Dampier Strait site but up until now it has not been listed on the website.  A huge thanks goes to...
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First Visit to Triton Bay: Part 2; Triton’s Macro World! by Stewart Galloway

Stewart Galloway is a frequent contributor to the site, a friend, and an amazing image maker!  Recently, when Stewart sent us this submission, we were “inundated’ (pun intended) with too many...
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First Visit to Triton Bay: Part 1; the BIG Picture! by Stewart Galloway

Stewart Galloway is a frequent contributor to the site, a friend, and an amazing image maker!  When Stewart sent us this submission we were “inundated’ (pun intended) with too many...
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Tanya Burnett goes to the BHS…again and again by Tanya Burnett

Administrator’s note: Tanya Burnett has been visiting Raja since the “early” years and she just keeps going back again and again.  Why?…keep scrolling! Tanya is a...
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New Mommon Divesite by Mike Veitch & Burt Jones

New Mommon Divesite – “Mike’s Mount” ≈ S 03 52.634  E 132 43.487 Have you ever considered how a dive destination develops?  Why does the boat dive where it does?  Most...
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