Tanya Burnett & Kevin Palmer Visit Raja…for the Umpteenth Time! (Part 1-Macro)
We are so excited to share some images from the incomparable photo team, Island Exposure Inc. I have known Tanya and admired her work and philosophy for nearly 30 years! Her husband Kevin, manages Reef Photo & Video, a go-to camera and video store that also offers instruction and photography workshops. They have been partners for over 20 years, taking divers and photographers on an endless journey to the best of the best diving hot-spots. They are wonderful instructors and fantastic, knowledgeable trip leaders.
Additionally Tanya is a jewelry maker. You can peruse her collection of ocean-inspired jewels at Calypso Sea. She is also a member of the Women’s Diving Hall of Fame!
Tanya began exploring Raja in 2005. She and Kevin just completed her 18th visit! Jealous yet? Their most recent trip was in November ’22 aboard the liveaboard, Damia II. While they have visited more sites and areas within Raja than most, their latest trip also included the Forgotten Islands in the Banda Sea as well as the S. E. Misool region of Raja Ampat. Tanya shares images from her most recent trip as well as a few favorites from their previous 17 journeys. What a treat.
All images were taken in Raja. And since Tanya sent me so many lovely ones, we will be sharing them in multiple posts over the next few weeks.

“Pom Pom” or “Mosaic Boxer” or “Cheerleader” Crab. Small anemones attached to claws are used for feeding and defense
The banner image is a Picturesque Dragonet