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Two New Damsels Named to Honor Two Diving Divas. BHS fish species count now 1759! By Mark Erdmann

Two new BHS damsels named to honor two diving divas! BHS fish species count now 1759! By Mark Erdmann It’s an honor and a great pleasure to announce the recent description of two new BHS...
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Marine Mammal Species Biodiversity in Raja Ampat (2011-15) by Benjamin Kahn

Marine Mammal Species Biodiversity in Raja Ampat (2011-15) by Benjamin Kahn Raja Ampat is a world-class dive destination and is famous for its exceptional reef species diversity as well as...
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The Gubernatorial Goby, Trimma atururii by Mark Erdmann

The Gubernatorial Goby, Trimma atururii! by Mark Erdmann Leave it to the Bird’s Head to produce a gubernatorial goby! In a recent paper published with my colleagues Dr. Rick Winterbottom...
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Nobar Film Alam Berbicara : Satu Orang Satu Aksi by Wida Sulistyaningrum

Nobar Film Alam Berbicara : Satu Orang Satu Aksi By Wida Sulistyaningrum Kaum Muda Keuskupan Manokwari Sorong yang semula heboh mengikuti materi pendidikan lingkungan hidup yang dibawakan lewat...
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Bird’s Head Seascape Success Recognised!

Birds Head Seascape Success Recognised! In a fitting way to end a productive year in the West Papua Bird’s Head Seascape (BHS), we’re pleased to share some good news! In the recent Coral Triangle...
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Aerial Videos of Raja Ampat

These series of aerial videos are so awesome that words don’t even come close to describing them.  All I can say is you will be amazed and if you discover any new dive sites while viewing...
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Money Talks – Paying for Conservation by Matt Fox, CI Indonesia

Money Talks – Paying for Conservation Matt Fox, CI Indonesia A group of Indonesians recently braved the 40-hour journey from Jakarta to Quito, Ecuador to talk conservation finance. Paying...
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“Don’t Leave Home Without It” by Burt Jones

“Don’t Leave Home Without It” by Burt Jones My most recent trip to the BHS aboard the MV Pindito was nearly a photographic disaster. You see, I “left home without it”. No, not my American...
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Amazing New Mommon Divesite by Burt Jones

Amazing New Mommon Divesite-“Batu Cantik” S 03 56.492  E 132 48.229 by Burt Jones As group leaders specializing in Indonesia and the Bird’s Head Seascape, Maurine and I are...
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Small Grants Program Making a Difference by Carla Kerstan

Small Grants Program Making a Difference by Carla Kerstan The Small Grants Program in the Bird’s Head Seascape is supporting local organizations in the conservation of their globally significant...
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