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New MMAF-CI-SEAA manta tagging program launched by Mark Erdmann

New MMAF-CI-SEAA manta tagging program launched by Mark Erdmann   September marks the official launch of a new nation-wide manta ray tagging program led by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and...
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New pygmy gobies from the Bird’s Head bring fish species count to 1721 species! by Mark Erdmann

New pygmy gobies from the Bird’s Head bring fish species count to 1721 species! By Mark Erdmann A recent paper published by Rick Winterbottom (Royal Ontario Museum), Dita Cahyani (Udayana...
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Balinese caring for Raja Ampat

Balinese Caring for Raja Ampat By Wida Sulistyaningrum, Photos Yulius Tonak   The head of the North Salawati District, Mr. I Made Kusuma Sada, along with members of the Babinsa from Koramil,...
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Singapore “Strait Times” and “Jakarta Post” on Tourism

Read these two recent articles about tourism in the Bird’s Head Seascape. Singapore’s Strait Times article: Indonesia’s Raja Ampat: A perfect marine wonderland....
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Raja Ampat Rawan Bencana Gempa dan Tsunami

Raja Ampat Rawan Bencana Gempa dan Tsunami By Wida Sulistyaningrum, Photos BMKG Pada 25 Juni 2014, Balai Besar Badan Meteorology, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Wilayah V Jayapura mengadakan...
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Orang Bali yang Peduli Raja Ampat

Orang Bali yang Peduli Raja Ampat By Wida Sulistyaningrum, Photos Yulius Tonak Tanggal 25 Juni 2014, Kepala Distrik Salawati Utara, Bpk I Made Sada Kusuma, bersama anggota Babinsa dari Koramil,...
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Satu Suara : Menyelamatkan Perairan Laut Kaimana

Satu Suara : Menyelamatkan Perairan Laut Kaimana Text dan fotos CI/Nita Johana   Kamis, 5 Juni 2014, Pokmaswas (Kelompok Masyarakat Pengawas) melakukan aksi bersih pantai Bantemin – Kaimana....
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Shark Hunter Boat Arrested in Ayau Kecil Conservation Area

Shark Hunter Boat Arrested in Ayau Kecil Conservation Area Photos by  The Ayau Kecil Regional Marine Conservation Area (KKPD) team consisting of Marine Monitoring and Control Task Force (P2L)...
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Part 3 Introduction to Cenderawasih Bay: The Villages and their People by Simon Marsh, photography by Simon Marsh and Andrina Bindon

Part 3 Introduction to Cenderawasih Bay: The Villages and their People Papuan life is difficult to understand from the outside.  It is imperative to go ashore, visit a village, observe daily...
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