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BRUVs Shark Research in Raja Ampat ~ by Angela Beer

BRUVs SHARK RESEARCH in RAJA AMPAT by Angela Beer Conservation International (CI)’s Mark Erdmann previously blogged about the Bird’s Head Seascape surpassing the milestone of 1750 reef fish...
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Misool Eco Resort’s March Newsletter

Misool Eco Resort’s March Newsletter Misool Eco Resort’s March Newsletter includes some incredible and exciting conservation stories like: Patrolling Misool’s “No...
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Calling Citizen Scientists

Calling All Citizen Scientists by The Administrator with Mark Erdmann What is a Citizen Scientist? A Citizen Scientist is an individual who voluntarily contributes time, effort, and resources...
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Nobar Film Alam Berbicara : Satu Orang Satu Aksi by Wida Sulistyaningrum

Nobar Film Alam Berbicara : Satu Orang Satu Aksi By Wida Sulistyaningrum Kaum Muda Keuskupan Manokwari Sorong yang semula heboh mengikuti materi pendidikan lingkungan hidup yang dibawakan lewat...
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Bird’s Head Seascape Success Recognised!

Birds Head Seascape Success Recognised! In a fitting way to end a productive year in the West Papua Bird’s Head Seascape (BHS), we’re pleased to share some good news! In the recent Coral Triangle...
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Money Talks – Paying for Conservation by Matt Fox, CI Indonesia

Money Talks – Paying for Conservation Matt Fox, CI Indonesia A group of Indonesians recently braved the 40-hour journey from Jakarta to Quito, Ecuador to talk conservation finance. Paying...
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Small Grants Program Making a Difference by Carla Kerstan

Small Grants Program Making a Difference by Carla Kerstan The Small Grants Program in the Bird’s Head Seascape is supporting local organizations in the conservation of their globally significant...
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