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Science for Conservation newsletter

Selamat datang bulan Agustus! Kali ini kami dari Program Sains untuk Konservasi LPPM Universitas Papua kembali menyapa Sobat Lestari dengan kumpulan cerita-cerita dari lapang selama bulan...
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Raja: A Multifaceted Journey, part 1 by Burt Jones

I recently had the good fortune to spend almost 3 weeks at Misool Resort in SE Raja Ampat.  Although I’ve visited the Bird’s Head Seascape numerous times since Maurine’s and my...
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Teluk Sebakor: Fakfak’s Topside WonderBay & Bat Cave!

We are posting a series of recently surveyed dive sites in the Bird’s Head Seascape last frontier, Fakfak and the Bomberai peninsula.  This is the sixth in the series, North Teluk Sebakor...
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Misool Newsletter

    f e b r u a r y  2 0 2 3 R A J A   A M P A T,    I N D O N E S I A Welcome to Misool’s Newsletter. This time:  Goodbye and Bon Voyage to Sabine! Introducing Shawna and Carlo...
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Tanya Burnett & Kevin Palmer Visit Raja…for the Umpteenth Time! (Part 1-Macro)

We are so excited to share some images from the incomparable photo team, Island Exposure Inc.  I have known Tanya and admired her work and philosophy for nearly 30 years!  Her husband Kevin,...
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