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Bomberai and Fakfak Maps (with divesites & activities) Complete

We have been posting a series of recently surveyed dive sites in the Bird’s Head Seascape’s last frontier, Fakfak and the Bomberai peninsula.  This is the seventh and final post in...
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Teluk Sebakor: Fakfak’s Topside WonderBay & Bat Cave!

We are posting a series of recently surveyed dive sites in the Bird’s Head Seascape last frontier, Fakfak and the Bomberai peninsula.  This is the sixth in the series, North Teluk Sebakor...
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Tanjung Turkanggur

We are posting a series of recently surveyed dive sites in the Bird’s Head Seascape last frontier, Fakfak and the Bomberai peninsula.  This is the fifth in the series, Tanjung Turkanggur....
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Developing Fakfak: an Introduction by Burt Jones

We are very happy to finally able to share the results of our twice-postponed voyage of discovery to the Bomberai peninsula.  In 2018 the Fakfak’s regency government formalized the creation...
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