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SE Misool Fact Sheet 2012

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SE Misool Fact Sheet 2012 by The Nature Conservancy, SE Misool Fact Sheet 2012.pdf (0.4 MiB) - Southeast Misool is the largest and southern most marine protected area (MPA) in the Raja Ampat MPA...
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Kofiau MPA Fact Sheet 2012

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Kofiau MPA Fact Sheet 2012 by The Nature Conservancy, Kofiau MPA Fact Sheet 2012.pdf (0.5 MiB) - Kofiau and Boo Islands Marine Protected Area (MPA) in southern Raja Ampat, encompasses 170,000...
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BHS Fact Sheet 2012

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BHS Fact Sheet 2012 by TNC; CI; WWF-Indonesia, BHS Fact Sheet 2012.pdf (0.4 MiB) - The Bird’s Head Seascape (BHS) located in northwest Papua in Indonesia, stretches from Cenderawasih Bay in its...
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BHS Fact Sheet 2011

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BHS Fact Sheet 2011 by Conservation International, BHS Fact sheet 2011.pdf (2.9 MiB) - The Bird’s Head Seascape (BHS) sits in the global epicentre of marine biodiversity—in the Coral Triangle, in...
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BHS Fact Sheet 2008

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BHS Fact Sheet 2008 by Conservation International, BHS Fact Sheet 2008.pdf (0.8 MiB) - A New Future for Marine Conservation: Papuan Bird’s Head Seascape. The Bird’s Head Seascape sits at the...
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BHS Fact Sheet 2010

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BHS Fact Sheet 2010 by Conservation International, BHS Fact Sheet 2010.pdf (1.6 MiB) - Since 2004, Conservation International (CI) has led the Bird’s Head Seascape (BHS) marine conservation...
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BHS Fact Sheet 2009

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BHS Fact Sheet 2009 by Conservation International, BHS Fact Sheet 2009.pdf (1.8 MiB) - The Birds Head Seascape sits at the epicenter of the „Coral Triangle‟ region. It is located in northwest...
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Raja Ampat MPA Network Fact Sheet 2012

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Raja Ampat MPA Network Fact Sheet 2012 by Conservation International, Raja Ampat MPA Network Fact Sheet 2012.pdf (0.5 MiB) - The Raja Ampat Islands are located off the northwesterntip of West...
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Raja Ampat Shark Sanctuary:SDAA 2011

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Raja Ampat Shark Sanctuary:SDAA 2011 by Shawn Heinrichs, Raja Ampat Shark Sanctuary:SDAA 2011.pdf (6.1 MiB) - lndonesia declares a new sanctuary for sharks and rays in one of the world's most...
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