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Peluncuran Website BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat

Peluncuran Website BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat Sejak awal diresmikan pada tahun 2015, BLUD UPTD Kawasan Konservasi Perairan (KKP) Raja Ampat, sebagai badan pengelola kawasan konservasi perairan Raja...
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Raja Ampat MPA (Marine Protected Area) Website Launches

Raja Ampat MPA (Marine Protected Area) Website Launches Since its inauguration in 2015, the Raja Ampat Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network Management Authority (UPTD) has been committed to...
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Whale Shark Tracker

Whale Shark Tracker It’s Conservation International’s pleasure to announce the launch of a webpage that tracks in real-time whale sharks that were tagged in the Bird’s Head...
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BUM to the Rescue – New Camera Technology from Nature Communications

BUM (Benthic Underwater Microscope) to the Rescue from a Nature Communications article “Underwater microscopy for in situ studies of benthic ecosystems” The BUM is an imaging system...
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“Flasher Beach” (a Triton Bay dive site) text by Anna DeLoach, images by Ned DeLoach

“Flasher Beach” (a Triton Bay dive site) text by Anna DeLoach, images by Ned DeLoach April 2016 ~ We last dived in Triton Bay nine years ago, when only a couple of commercial...
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Misool Eco Resort’s Quarterly Newsletter

Misool Eco Resort’s Quarterly Newsletter So what’s new in Misool Eco Resort’s world? Have you ever wondered how many mantas they ID in a season? Or pondered what it’s like...
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