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Indonesia and US seal $35 million Coral Reef Debt Swap by Marc Jones (Reuters)

Administrator’s note: This post appeared in The Jakarta Post on July, 09, 2024.  Click here to read the original post. Article Synopsis: Indonesia will commit to reef restoration while...
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Science 4 Conservation Buletin

Selamat datang bulan Oktober! Kali ini kami dari Program Sains untuk Konservasi LPPM Universitas Papua kembali menyapa Sobat Lestari dengan kumpulan cerita-cerita dari lapang selama bulan Agustus...
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Misool Newsletter

    f e b r u a r y  2 0 2 3 R A J A   A M P A T,    I N D O N E S I A Welcome to Misool’s Newsletter. This time:  Goodbye and Bon Voyage to Sabine! Introducing Shawna and Carlo...
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Encouraging News on Leatherback Conservation in West Papua by Noviyanti and Deasy Lontoh

The Science for Conservation team of the Research and Community Service Division of the State University of Papua (S4C LPPM UNIPA) has been conducting marine turtle monitoring and nest protection...
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