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4 Things We’ve Discovered from Tagging Indonesia’s Mantas by Nicole Han

4 Things We’ve Discovered from Tagging Indonesia’s Mantas by Nicole Han (from Conservation International’s Human Nature blog) Manta Rays are among dive tourists’ most beloved swimming...
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Gurano Bintang by Imam Syuhada

Gurano Bintang by Imam Syuhada KM Gurano Bintang was first commissioned in Alor under the name Kotekelema.  Kotekelema is Lamaleran, a language group from Indonesia’s Nusa Tenggara Timur...
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Introducing the Bird’s Head Seascape Manta ID Database by Sarah Lewis

Introducing the Bird’s Head Seascape Manta ID Database by Sarah Lewis Project Leader Indonesia – Manta Trust Founder – Indonesian Manta Project  Teaming up with the Bird’s Head Seascape website...
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West Papua officially declared the “Conservation Province”

West Papua officially declared the “Conservation Province”  On Monday Oct. 19 West Papua Governor Abraham Otoruri officially declares West Papua the “Conservation...
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10 Reasons To Visit The Bird’s Head Seascape-The Richest Marine Environment On Earth by Jones/Shimlock

Click on this link to view the post, This article by Burt...
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Nudibranch and Sea Slug Identification-Indo Pacific by Gosliner, Valdez, Behrens

Nudibranch and Sea Slug Identification-Indo Pacific by Gosliner, Valdés, Behrens New World Publications has just announced a stunning new publication, Nudibranch and Sea Slug identification...
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Indonesian Government Sinks Vietnamese Shark Poaching Boat, Creates New Dive Site

Honoring the anniversary of the launching of the Bird’s Head Seascape website we will be revisiting the most popular posts of the past year. This was the Most Viewed Post. First published...
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New Finds In Triton Bay by Leeza English

New finds in Triton Bay by Leeza English No matter how many times you dive the waters of Triton Bay it will always surprise you! Most people when they hear about Triton Bay, hear about the...
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