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1596665785 Author(s): Christine L. Dudgeon, Shannon Corrigan, Lei Yang, Gerry R. Allen, Mark V. Erdmann, Fahmi, Hagi Y. Sugeha, William T. White and Gavin J. P. Naylor Tags: Description: It can be challenging to identify the forces that drive speciation in marine environments for organisms that are capable of widespread dispersal because their contemporary distributions often belie the historical processes that were responsible for their initial diversification. In this contribution we explore the likely sequence of events responsible for the radiation of walking sharks in the genus Hemiscyllium using a dated molecular phylogeny. The nine currently recognised species in the genus consist of small, benthic sharks that are restricted to the Indo-Australian Archipelago and show limited dispersal at both juvenile and adult stages. 0.7 MiB |
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1561050495 Author(s): FREDDY PATTISELANNO, JOHN R. M. APITULEY, AGUSTINA Y. S. AROBAYA, JOHAN F. KOIBUR1 Tags: Description: Wildlife products are valuable commodities, and wild meat is considered as premium value because it has a high value per unit weight compared with other forest products Wildlife products are commonly used for consumption purpose, generating household income and cultural reasons. Because cultural values differ among ethnic groups, it is important to understand how wildlife contributes to local livelihoods in different areas of the Bird’s Head Peninsula. 0.4 MiB |
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1502734958 Author(s): Paulus Boli, Fredinan Yulianda, Ario Damar, Dedi Soedharma, Rilus Kinseng Tags: Raja Ampat, conservation, Sasi Description: Residents of Raja Ampat, Papua, have been practicing sasi for generations to manage local marine resources. Recognizing its importance for marine resource conservation, efforts have been made to integrate sasi into current conservation management approach. This study was carried out with 3 objectives: (1) to define and elaborate sasi; (2) to examine the benefits of sasi for conservation of marine resources; and (3) to evaluate the change of sasi in the context of conservation. 0.8 MiB |
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1394827175 Author(s): BPS Provinsi Papua Barat Tags: Papua Barat, Kemiskinan Description: Jumlah penduduk miskin di Provinsi Papua Barat pada tahun 2009 sebanyak 256.840 jiwa (35,71persen) turun menjadi 256.250 jiwa (34,88 persen) pada tahun 2010. Selama periode 2009 – 2010, jumlah penduduk miskin turun 0,23 persen dan persentase penduduk miskin turun 0,83 poin. 81 KiB |
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1394826996 Author(s): RTI International Tags: West Papua, development, Bird's Head, Governance, USAID Description: The USAID/Indonesia Local Governance Support Program implemented by RTI International1 directly supported “expanding participatory, effective and accountable governance,” as described in USAID’s Strategic Objectives Grant Agreement (SOAG) with the Government of Indonesia dated July 11, 2005. The LGSP program in Bird’s Head was designed to assist local governments to: • Enhance local planning, budgeting and financial management practices and transparency for more efficient resource management and accountability; • Improve the decision-making and supervisory functions of local councils over financial and budget performance as the people’s elected representatives; and • Increase the informed participation of local communities in local government development planning and budgeting deliberations that affect their futures. 2.9 MiB |
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1394826804 Author(s): GRM International Tags: West Papua, Papua, development, Environment, Poverty Description: The purpose of this Assistance and Advisory document is to provide USAID with contemporary information on options for a multi-sector strategy for implementation in the Indonesian Provinces of Papua and West Papua, as an integral part of the 2009-2013 Country Assistance Strategy. Over a period of 38 days through two field periods - late November to 17 December; and 8– 24 January, the technical assessment team visited the provincial capitals of Jayapura and Manokwari and the regions of: Jayawijaya; Merauke; Mimika; Sorong; Sorong Selatan and Kaimana where officially documented data was collected. In addition a total of 125 respondents in Jakarta, and Papua and West Papua provided additional anecdotal information from the perspective of national, provincial and local governments; NGO’s faith-based organisations; universities, legislators, village community members and donor organizations. 1.7 MiB |
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1394826545 Author(s): Anonymous Tags: Papua, Papua Barat, OTSUS, Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Description: Pengrusakan hutan akibat aktivitas illegal logging...Dengan demikian meminimalkan kebocoran-kebocoran dana hasil pemanfaatan sumber daya hutan kayu yang merugikan negara yang seharusnya dapat meningkatkan sumber pendapatan asli daerah guna peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui pemanfaatan sumber daya hutan secara berkelanjutan. 11.2 MiB |
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1393962059 Author(s): Telepak; EIA Tags: Papua, Deforestation, exploitation, biofuels, wilderness Description: The unique forests of Papua are under siege from the rampant spread of plantations. Up to five million hectares of land have been targeted for conversion to grow crops like oil palm, with the projected global demand for biofuels driving much of this conversion. 1.5 MiB |
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1393961793 Author(s): Maria Palomares; Johanna Heymans Tags: Raja Ampat, Fisheries, Overfishing, Resource Management, Historical Description: This report presents a review of the status of marine resources of the Raja Ampat Archipelago, Papua Province, Indonesia based on narratives of early European expeditions in various museums and libraries in Europe and also local archives in Papua. 2.6 MiB |
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