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Endemik: Lukisan Ikan Endemik Bentang Laut Kepala Burung oleh Nate Wilson

Seniman kehidupan laut, Nate Wilson, telah membuat poster dengan lukisannya tentang semua ikan endemik Bentang Laut Kepala Burung. Saat ini ada 57 tapi kemungkinan besar akan berubah dalam waktu...
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Marine Policy: NGO’s Working with Local Communities and MPA’s is a Win-Win for Everyone! by Casey White

[The marine environment surrounding Raja Ampat harbors some of the world’s most biodiverse coral reef ecosystems, and communities have been helping to protect these ecosystems for centuries. Two...
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Recent study about Extinction Risk of the BHS’s Walking Sharks by MV Erdmann & Abraham Sianipar

Most divers who have visited the Bird’s Head will be familiar with the charismatic “walking sharks” that are found throughout the BHS. Also known as epaulette sharks, these small...
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