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Status of sea turtle populations and conservation in the BHS

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Status of sea turtle populations and conservation in the BHS by Ricardo Tapilatu, Hengki Wona, Petrus Batubara, Turtle-status.pdf (0.4 MiB) - Bird’s Head Seascape region in the northwest of Papua...
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Nest temperatures of the Piai and Sayang Islands green turtle (Chelonia mydas) rookeries, Raja Ampat Papua, Indonesia: Implications for hatchling sex ratios

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Nest temperatures of the Piai and Sayang Islands green turtle (Chelonia mydas) rookeries, Raja Ampat Papua, Indonesia: Implications for hatchling sex ratios by RICARDO F. TAPILATU and FERDIEL...
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The Seascapes Approach

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The Seascapes Approach by Sebastian Troeng; Peter Bryant; Guilherme Dutra; Mark Erdmann; Ginny Farmer; Scott Henderson; Keith Lawrence; Frazer McGilvray; Jonas Rupp; Romeo Trono, Troeng et al...
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Atlas Sumberdaya Pesisir Kabupaten Raja Ampat

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Atlas Sumberdaya Pesisir Kabupaten Raja Ampat by Konsorsium Atlas Sumberdaya Pesisir Kabupaten Raja Ampat, Atlas Sumberdaya Pesisir Kabupaten Raja Ampat.pdf (22.6 MiB) - Kepulauan Raja Ampat...
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Achieving Fisheries and Conservation Objectives within Marine Protected Areas: Zoning the Raja Ampat Network

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Achieving Fisheries and Conservation Objectives within Marine Protected Areas: Zoning the Raja Ampat Network by Vera Agostini; Hedley Grantham; Joanne Wilson; Sangeeta Mangubhai; Chris Rotinsulu;...
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Prioritas Geografi Keanekaragaman Hayati Laut Untuk Pengembangan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Indonesia

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Prioritas Geografi Keanekaragaman Hayati Laut Untuk Pengembangan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Indonesia by Christine Huffard; Mark Erdmann; Tiene Gunawan, Prioritas Geografi keanekaragaman hayati...
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Geographic Priorities For Marine Biodiversity Conservation In Indonesia

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Geographic Priorities For Marine Biodiversity Conservation In Indonesia by C.L. Huffard, Mark V. Erdmann, Tiene Gunawan, Geographic priorities for marine biodiversity conservation in...
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Ecosystem-Based Management In The Birds Head Seascape

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Ecosystem-Based Management In The Birds Head Seascape by Christine Huffard; Joanne Wilson; Creusa Hitipeuw; Chris Rotinsulu; Sangeeta Mangubhai, Ecosystem-Based Management in the Birds Head...
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