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Misool Foundation Quarterly Newsletter July 2020

Welcome to Misool Foundation’s July Newsletter:

  • Happy World Rangers Day 2020
  • Ten Year Old Luisa Interviews Misool Co-Founder, Marit Miners
  • The Coconut Crabs of Batbitim
  • Thank you to our Donors

What do you want to see more of? We’d love to hear from you.

Misool Foundation is the registered charity arm of the private island resort, Misool.  Based in Raja Ampat, Indonesia, our joint mission is to safeguard the most biodiverse reefs on Earth through the empowerment of local communities, providing a structure by which they are able to reclaim their traditional tenureship of reefs.

At the core of our operation is the belief that sustainable tourism and community-based conservation are mutually beneficial.  We seek to demonstrate to our local hosts, government, guests, and ourselves that sustainable tourism can provide a better life than logging, mining, or overfishing.

Administrator’s note:  During the shutdown it is critically important that the Ranger Patrols continue to protect the area.  In the northern part of Raja Ampat we have the Raja Ampat Marine Park Authority, who are in-charge of that area.  (We publish their reports, usually bi-monthly.)  The Misool Foundation’s rangers oversee the patrol of Misool Eco Resort’s private reserve.  Without these two organizations Raja would be over-run with illegal fishing boats. If you care about the Bird’s Head Seascape, your thanks and support to these groups is essential. 

To read the Misool Foundation newsletter click here: Quarterly Newsletter-July 2020.

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