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Raja: A Multifaceted Journey, part 1 by Burt Jones

I recently had the good fortune to spend almost 3 weeks at Misool Resort in SE Raja Ampat.  Although I’ve visited the Bird’s Head Seascape numerous times since Maurine’s and my...
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StAR Project Update, part 4 by Made Abiyoga Udaya

This is part 4 of the series. Administrator’s note: In September of 2021 we first introduced the ambitious StAR project, which will hopefully re-wild Raja Ampat with the charismatic Zebra...
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Misool Newsletter

    f e b r u a r y  2 0 2 3 R A J A   A M P A T,    I N D O N E S I A Welcome to Misool’s Newsletter. This time:  Goodbye and Bon Voyage to Sabine! Introducing Shawna and Carlo...
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Endemik: Lukisan Ikan Endemik Bentang Laut Kepala Burung oleh Nate Wilson

Seniman kehidupan laut, Nate Wilson, telah membuat poster dengan lukisannya tentang semua ikan endemik Bentang Laut Kepala Burung. Saat ini ada 57 tapi kemungkinan besar akan berubah dalam waktu...
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World First Endangered Shark Rewilding Program Launches In Indonesia

WORLD FIRST ENDANGERED SHARK REWILDING PROGRAM LAUNCHES IN INDONESIA Press Release Global collaboration, StAR, to re-establish once abundant zebra sharks in Raja Ampat. SORONG, RAJA AMPAT, 30...
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