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Seascapes Newsletter 2008 Issue 5

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Seascapes Newsletter 2008 Issue 5 by CI Seascapes Program, Seascapes Newsletter 2008 Issue 5.pdf (1.0 MiB) - Information about the Kalabia launch, new species discoveries, and a profile of the...
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Seascapes Newsletter 2008 Issue 4

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Seascapes Newsletter 2008 Issue 4 by CI Seascapes Program, Seascapes Newsletter 2008 Issue 4.pdf (0.8 MiB) - Information about the Blue Action, MPAs in Kaimana Regency, the latest species count...
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Seascapes Newsletter 2007 Issue 3

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Seascapes Newsletter 2007 Issue 3 by CI Seascapes Program, Seascapes Newsletter 2007 Issue 3.pdf (0.8 MiB) - Information about Raja Ampat's MPA, network, turtle sanctuary, and a short analysis of...
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Seascapes Newsletter 2007 Issue 2

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Seascapes Newsletter 2007 Issue 2 by CI Seascapes Program, Seascapes Newsletter 2007 Issue 2.pdf (0.8 MiB) - Information about the Raja Ampat walking shark and the declaration of Raja Ampat MPA network
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Seascapes Newsletter 2007 Issue 1

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Seascapes Newsletter 2007 Issue 1 by CI Seascapes Program, Seascapes Newsletter 2007 Issue 1.pdf (0.8 MiB) - Several short articles relating to the BHS including sea turtles, genetic...
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Ecosystem-based Management of the Bird’s Head Seascape

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Ecosystem-based Management of the Bird's Head Seascape by BHS EBM Program, BHS EBM Fact Sheets Updated Sept06 English compiled lowres.pdf (2.7 MiB) - The future prosperity of the people...
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The Bird’s Head Seascape Epicenter Of Marine Biodiversity:Alert Diver 2011

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The Bird's Head Seascape Epicenter Of Marine Biodiversity:Alert Diver 2011 by Maurine Shimlock; Burt Jones, The Bird's Head Seascape Epicenter of Marine Biodiversity:Alert Diver...
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Raja Ampat MPA Network Announcement:MPA News 2008

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Raja Ampat MPA Network Announcement:MPA News 2008 by Mark Erdmann, Raja Ampat MPA Network Announcement:MPA News 2008.pdf (0.1 MiB) - Indonesia protects local fisheries with seven MPAs: In May...
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Geographic Priorities For Marine Biodiversity Conservation In Indonesia

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Geographic Priorities For Marine Biodiversity Conservation In Indonesia by C.L. Huffard, Mark V. Erdmann, Tiene Gunawan, Geographic priorities for marine biodiversity conservation in...
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