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Fifteen Years Of Lessons From The Seascape Approach: A Framework For Improving Ocean Management At Scale

Fifteen Years Of Lessons From The Seascape Approach: A Framework For Improving Ocean Management At Scale by Shannon E. Murphy, Ginny Farmer, Laure Katz, Mark V. Erdmann and more,...
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Elysium Heart Of The Coral Triangle Expedition Report V Final

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Elysium Heart Of The Coral Triangle Expedition Report V Final by Michael Aw - Project Director, Elysium-Heart-of-The-Coral-Triangle-Expedition-Report-V-Final.pdf (25.9 MiB) - The Elysium Heart of...
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Rapid coral reef assessment using 3D modelling and acoustics: acoustic indices correlate to fish abundance, diversity and environmental indicators in West Papua, Indonesia

Rapid coral reef assessment using 3D modelling and acoustics: acoustic indices correlate to fish abundance, diversity and environmental indicators in West Papua, Indonesia by Mica peck, Ricardo...
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Sasi and Marine Conservation in Raja Ampat, Indonesia

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Sasi and Marine Conservation in Raja Ampat, Indonesia by Elizabeth Mcleod, Rodney Salm, Brian W. Szuster, McLeod-et-al-2009-sasi-Raja-Ampat.pdf (0.5 MiB) - Raja Ampat, Indonesia, possesses the...
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State of Bird’s Head Seascape Marine Protected Area Network 2019

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State of Bird's Head Seascape Marine Protected Area Network 2019 by Various Bird's Head Seascape authors, State-of-Seascape_Final_August_2020.pdf (9.1 MiB) - A comprehensive review of...
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Cleanliness, Health, Safety & Environmental Sustainability Guidance for Indonesia’s Dive Industry Handbook

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Cleanliness, Health, Safety & Environmental Sustainability Guidance for Indonesia's Dive Industry Handbook by Indonesian Ministry of Tourism , Handbook-Selam_English_260920.pdf (13.8...
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Heavy Metals Contaminants In The Eggs And Temperatures Of Nesting Beaches Of Sea Turtles In Kaimana, West Papua, Indonesia

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Heavy Metals Contaminants In The Eggs And Temperatures Of Nesting Beaches Of Sea Turtles In Kaimana, West Papua, Indonesia by RICARDO F. TAPILATU, HENGKI WONA, RIMA HS. SIBURIAN, and SEFRIANTO T....
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Recognizing Peripheral Ecosystems In Marine Protected Areas: A Case Study Of Golden Jellyfish Lakes in Raja Ampat, Indonesia

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Recognizing Peripheral Ecosystems In Marine Protected Areas: A Case Study Of Golden Jellyfish Lakes in Raja Ampat, Indonesia by Diede L. Maas, Agustin Capriati, Awaludinnoer Ahmad, Mark V....
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Recognizing peripheral ecosystems in marine protected areas: A case study T of golden jellyfish lakes in Raja Ampat, Indonesia

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Recognizing peripheral ecosystems in marine protected areas: A case study T of golden jellyfish lakes in Raja Ampat, Indonesia by Diede L. Maas, Agustin Capriati, Awaludinnoer Ahmad, Mark V....
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Movement patterns of whale sharks in Cenderawasih Bay, Indonesia, revealed through long-term satellite tagging

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Movement patterns of whale sharks in Cenderawasih Bay, Indonesia, revealed through long-term satellite tagging by Megan M. Meyers, Malcolm P. Francis, Mark Erdmann, Rochelle Constantine and...
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