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Endemic Marine Species of the Bird’s Head Seascape

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Endemic Marine Species of the Bird's Head Seascape by Mark V. Erdmann and Gerald R. Allen, Endemics.pdf (0.6 MiB) - The Bird’s Head Seascape of West Papua is not only the epicenter of marine...
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Profil Kemiskinan Papua Barat 2010

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Profil Kemiskinan Papua Barat 2010 by BPS Provinsi Papua Barat, Profil Kemiskinan Papua Barat 2010.pdf (81 KiB) - Jumlah penduduk miskin di Provinsi Papua Barat pada tahun 2009 sebanyak 256.840...
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LGSP Final Report- Bird’s Head Governance Initiative 2009

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LGSP Final Report- Bird's Head Governance Initiative 2009 by RTI International, LGSP Final Report- Bird's Head Governance Initiative 2009.pdf (2.9 MiB) - The USAID/Indonesia Local...
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GRM Papua Assessment Report USAID Indonesia 2009

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GRM Papua Assessment Report USAID Indonesia 2009 by GRM International, GRM Papua Assessment Report USAID Indonesia 2009.pdf (1.7 MiB) - The purpose of this Assistance and Advisory document is to...
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Bunga Rampai ALAMKU 2007

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Bunga Rampai ALAMKU 2007 by Anonymous, Bunga Rampai ALAMKU 2007.pdf (11.2 MiB) - Pengrusakan hutan akibat aktivitas illegal logging...Dengan demikian meminimalkan kebocoran-kebocoran dana hasil...
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Prioritas Geografi Keanekaragaman Hayati Laut Untuk Pengembangan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Indonesia

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Prioritas Geografi Keanekaragaman Hayati Laut Untuk Pengembangan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Indonesia by Christine Huffard; Mark Erdmann; Tiene Gunawan, Prioritas Geografi keanekaragaman hayati...
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Geographic Priorities For Marine Biodiversity Conservation In Indonesia

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Geographic Priorities For Marine Biodiversity Conservation In Indonesia by C.L. Huffard, Mark V. Erdmann, Tiene Gunawan, Geographic priorities for marine biodiversity conservation in...
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Ecosystem-Based Management In The Birds Head Seascape

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Ecosystem-Based Management In The Birds Head Seascape by Christine Huffard; Joanne Wilson; Creusa Hitipeuw; Chris Rotinsulu; Sangeeta Mangubhai, Ecosystem-Based Management in the Birds Head...
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Protected: Cetaceans In Raja Ampat Global Centre Of Diversity

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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
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