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Experience The Bird's Head Seascape

The Blue Abadi Fund

The Bird's Head Seascape, a rich repository of the world’s most diverse marine life, rare birds, mammals, insects and plants, comprises 183,000 sq km, encompassing over 100 villages in West Papua, Indonesia.
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Thinking about coming to the Bird's Head Seascape? Already have a trip planned? Check out these resources:

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Explore regional maps, MPA maps and detailed dive site maps of all known sites in Raja Ampat, Triton Bay and Cenderawasih Bay.

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Current World Wide Bleaching Event Affecting Raja Ampat and the Bird’s Head Seascape

During the past few weeks this site has received reports and images of the current coral bleaching event taking place throughout the Bird’s Head Seascape.  Some areas have been significantly impacted while others, thankfully, show little damage. We have reached out to resorts, liveaboards, NGO’s, and other conservation organizations to determine which areas and which coral species have been...
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Questionnaire for “Assessing the Economic Value of Manta Ray Tourism in Raja Ampat”

Raja Ampat is known for many features…its healthy coral reefs and incredibly bio-diverse marine life, its world class diving and snorkeling as well as its stunning topside topography and bird watching. For most people visiting Raja Ampat, one of the highlights of their trip is snorkeling or diving with Manta Rays. According to scientific surveys, Raja Ampat has over 1900 (and counting)...
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Kuesioner untuk “Mengestimasi Nilai Ekonomi Pariwisata Pari Manta di Raja Ampat”

Kuesioner untuk “Mengestimasi Nilai Ekonomi Pariwisata Pari Manta di Raja Ampat” Raja Ampat dikenal karena banyak hal. Tidak hanya terumbu karang yang sehat dan kehidupan lautnya yang sangat beragam, namun juga penyelaman dan snorkeling kelas dunia, serta pengamatan burung Cenderawasih yang begitu indah. Bagi kebanyakan orang yang berkunjung ke Raja Ampat, salah satu aktivitas utama dalam...
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Raja Ampat Marine Protected Areas


Berita Terkini

Conservation Science




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Berita Terkini

Conservation Science




Bird's Head Seascape Governmental Authorities Pemerintah Propinsi Papua Barat (Province of West Papua) KSDAE (Direktorat Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam dan Ekosistem)(Ministry of Environment and Forestry) Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia (National Ministry for Marine Affairs and Fisheries) Kabupaten Raja Ampat (Raja Ampat Regency) Kabupaten Kaimana (Kaimana Regency) Kabupaten Tambrauw (Tambrauw Regency) Kabupaten Nabire (Nabire Regency) Kabupaten Teluk Wondama (Wondama Bay Regency) Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih (Cenderawasih Bay National Park) BBKSDA (Balai Besar Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam) Kabupaten Fakfak