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Top 5 Dive Sites in Raja Ampat by the Underwater Tribe’s Mike Veitch

Top 5 Dive Sites in Raja Ampat by the Underwater Tribe’s Mike Veitch We call this the Top 5 Dive Sites in Raja Ampat, but of course this is a list of our favourite sites only and ones we...
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Searching for Jamal’s Dottyback by Anna DeLoach

Searching for Jamal’s Dottyback by Anna DeLoach Triton Bay, Indonesia ~ April 2016. “We should look for Jamal’s Dottyback.” All eyes turn to Richard Smith as he continues, “The one that...
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Omura’s Whale by Alex Lindbloom

Omura’s Whale by Alex Lindbloom You never know what you’re going to see in Raja Ampat, either on the surface or below. I’m entering my fourth year year now and still astounded...
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