Staying Close to Home: Horizontal Movements of Satellite-Tracked Reef Manta Rays (Mobula alfredi) in the World’s Largest Manta Sanctuary by Edy Setyawan et. al.
A new scientific research paper titled, “Staying Close to Home: Horizontal Movements of Satellite-Tracked Reef Manta Rays (Mobula alfredi) in the World’s Largest Manta Sanctuary” has just been released by the Swiss-based MDPI “Fishes” journal. The paper is authored by *Dr. Edy Setyawan, one of the Bird’s Head Seascape’s leading manta researchers, amongst others.
In this paper, 33 satellite-tagged reef manta’s movements, from four regions in Indonesia (including the Birds Head Seascape’s Raja Ampat and Fakfak), were studied.
The study highlights the localized movement patterns and high residency of satellite-tracked reef manta rays in central and eastern Indonesia, particularly within and around marine protected areas (MPAs). The high site fidelity and residency times of these rays in critical habitats, such as cleaning stations and feeding sites within MPAs (Marine Protected Areas), suggest that these protected areas are well sited and are providing significant protection for reef manta rays already. However, the absence of movement between regions, highlights the need for tailored management strategies to address the specific needs of each local population, as has been previously suggested for the three local subpopulations in Raja Ampat. Despite the generally restricted home ranges observed in this study, several individuals demonstrated extended ranges to neighboring areas outside the MPA boundaries, highlighting potential exposures to anthropogenic threats such as fisheries. These findings enhance our understanding of reef manta ray behavior and residency on a national scale, offering valuable insights to inform the management and conservation of reef manta rays within the world’s largest manta ray sanctuary.
To read the entire paper follow the link above, click on the manta image or click here.
*Dr. Edy Setyawan is the co-founder and Lead Conservation Scientist of the Elasmobranch Institute Indonesia.