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Peraturan Bupati No.4-Raja Ampat’s Regent Decree #4
Peraturan Bupati ini mengatur tata cara penyelenggaraan kegiatan penyelaman (SCUBA Diving) rekreasional di wilayah Kabupaten Raja Ampat; baik aturan yang berlaku bagi wisatawan maupun operator wisata selam. Cakupan Peraturan Bupati ini antara lain: Sertifikasi (bagi wisatawan); Pengawasan Kegiatan Menyelam; Syarat untuk Dive Center; Pertimbangan Keselamatan; Kualifikasi Karyawan Dive Center yang Diakui; Perlindungan Lingkungan; Biaya Tarif Masuk Kapal (Wisata), hingga kepada; Wisata Bahari lainnya (olah raga air, memancing rekreasional).
The Regent’s Decree regulates all the need-to-know in conducting recreational SCUBA Diving within the Regency’s territorial water that applies both on tourists and operators. This particular Regulation, among others, covers from: Certification (for tourists); Supervision on SCUBA Diving Activities (operators); Requirements for Dive Centre (from establishing and operating); Safety Consideration; Recognized Qualifications for Dive Center’s Employees; Environmental Obligations; Vessel’s (tourism-purposed) Entry Tariffs, to; other Marine Tourism activities (water sports, recreational fishing, etc.).
The Regent’s Decree regulates all the need-to-know in conducting recreational SCUBA Diving within the Regency’s territorial water that applies both on tourists and operators. This particular Regulation, among others, covers from: Certification (for tourists); Supervision on SCUBA Diving Activities (operators); Requirements for Dive Centre (from establishing and operating); Safety Consideration; Recognized Qualifications for Dive Center’s Employees; Environmental Obligations; Vessel’s (tourism-purposed) Entry Tariffs, to; other Marine Tourism activities (water sports, recreational fishing, etc.).