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Udang Udang No 23 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pemerintah Daerah-Act Number 23 of the Year 2014 of the Local Government
Undang-undang ini secara hukum mengakhiri keberlakuan ‘rezim’ Undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun Tahun 2004 yang mengatur objek yang sama: Pemerintah Daerah. Sebagai salah satu manifestasi dari pelaksanaan desentralisasi tata pemerintahan di Indonesia secara evolusioner, salah satu perubahan fundamental yang diatur dalam Undang-undang ini adalah peralihan kewenangan pengelolaan sumber daya kelautan kepada Pemerintah Provinsi, mulai dari garis pantai terluar hingga 12 mil laut; dimana kewenangan hingga 4 mil laut sebelumnya berada di bawah kewenangan Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota.
This Act legally ends the prior ‘regime’ of Act Number 32 of the Year 2004 on similar object: Local Government. As one of the evolutionary manifestations in implementing Indonesia’s governance decentralization, one of the fundamental change arranged in this Act is, undoubtedly, the transfer of authority on management of marine resources to the Province Government that covers from the outer coastline all the way until 12 nautical miles which, prior to this Legislation, the authority for as far as 4 nautical miles from the coastline was fully under the Regency/Municipal Government.
This Act legally ends the prior ‘regime’ of Act Number 32 of the Year 2004 on similar object: Local Government. As one of the evolutionary manifestations in implementing Indonesia’s governance decentralization, one of the fundamental change arranged in this Act is, undoubtedly, the transfer of authority on management of marine resources to the Province Government that covers from the outer coastline all the way until 12 nautical miles which, prior to this Legislation, the authority for as far as 4 nautical miles from the coastline was fully under the Regency/Municipal Government.