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Peraturan Bupati Raja Ampat No. 8-Raja Ampat’s Regent Decree Number 8
Suku Maya merupakan suku asli Raja Ampat yang wibawanya hingga kini diakui oleh Pemerintah –dalam hal ini Pemerintah Kabupaten Raja Ampat. Peraturan Bupati ini merupakan usulan dari Dewan Adat Suku Maya yang disahkan menjadi sebuah hukum tertulis dalam bentuk Peraturan Bupati. Selain bentuk pengakuan secara tertulis terhadap eksistensi masyarakat adat di Raja Ampat, Peraturan Bupati ini juga berlandaskan asas-asas berkelanjutan, kelestarian, ketersediaan alam dan daya dukung, dan pertimbangan kearifan lokal dalam kaitannya dengan sumber daya alam perairan dan pesisir di Raja Ampat.
Maya Tribe is Raja Ampat’s indigenous people, which influence is acknowledged by the Government –in this case is the Regency Government. The Regent Decree’s legislation was encouraged by the aspiration of the locals conveyed through the Maya Tribe’s Adat (in this context can be interpreted as “Customary Entity”) Council. Considered as a ‘written’ acknowledgement regarding the Adat’s existence by the Government, this particular Decree is firmly composed on the principles of sustainability, preservation, natural availability and carrying capacity, and local wisdom, in relation with Raja Ampat’s coastal and marine abundance.
Maya Tribe is Raja Ampat’s indigenous people, which influence is acknowledged by the Government –in this case is the Regency Government. The Regent Decree’s legislation was encouraged by the aspiration of the locals conveyed through the Maya Tribe’s Adat (in this context can be interpreted as “Customary Entity”) Council. Considered as a ‘written’ acknowledgement regarding the Adat’s existence by the Government, this particular Decree is firmly composed on the principles of sustainability, preservation, natural availability and carrying capacity, and local wisdom, in relation with Raja Ampat’s coastal and marine abundance.