The Bird’s Head Seascape, located in Indonesia’s easternmost province, is + 9 Hours GMT, one hour ahead of Bali, and two hours ahead of Jakarta.
The Indonesian rupiah is the standard currency in Raja Ampat. Many resorts and liveaboards price their services in US dollars, but a few use the Euro as their standard. Not all boats and resorts take credit cards. Please check with your individual operator regarding the use of credit cards.
There are numerous banks and ATMs that dispense Indonesian rupiah at various locations around the Bird’s Head’s major cities. You can also exchange your home currency for rupiah in Bali, Jakarta, or wherever you transit the archipelago on your way to Papua.
Indonesia’s voltage is 220. The majority of chargers in use today are capable of accepting either 110 or 220. Most resorts and liveaboards have one station for 110 users in their camera rooms. The normal Indonesian plug is round and two-pronged.