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Questionnaire for “Assessing the Economic Value of Manta Ray Tourism in Raja Ampat”

Raja Ampat is known for many features…its healthy coral reefs and incredibly bio-diverse marine life, its world class diving and snorkeling as well as its stunning topside topography and bird watching. For most people visiting Raja Ampat, one of the highlights of their trip is snorkeling or diving with Manta Rays. According to scientific surveys, Raja Ampat has over 1900 (and counting) individual mantas consisting of both reef manta rays (over 1950 individuals) and oceanic manta rays (over 850 individuals).

Manta feeding aggregation

But mantas are globally threatened, the reef manta ray is listed by the IUCN as vulnerable while the oceanic manta ray is listed as endangered.  They are protected in international waters by the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals as well as throughout Indonesian waters.  But despite legal protection they continue to be targeted in many areas of Indonesia by fishermen; not only for their meat but their gill rakers, which are used in traditional Chinese medicines.

If we want to save Raja’s mantas it is neccesary to demonstrate to the “powers that be” that they are worth more alive than dead!

One very simple way YOU can help save these magnificent creatures is by filling out the attached questionnaire.  It’s quick and simple!  And it demonstrates just how important and valuable a live manta really is.  And a manta can live for 50 years!

Click the link or image to access the questionnaire, “Assessing the Economic Value of Manta Ray Tourism in Raja Ampat”.  The Mantas thank you!

This survey is a collaboration between BLUD UPTD Pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Kepulauan Raja Ampat (Raja Ampat MPA management authority), Konservasi Indonesia, Kelompok Riset Ekonomi Biru – Pusat Riset Ekonomi Perilaku dan Sirkuler – Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (Blue Economy Research Group – Research Center for Behavioral and Circular Economics – National Research and Innovation Agency), and Elasmobranch Institute Indonesia.

Survei ini tersedia dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Kuesioner untuk “Mengestimasi Nilai Ekonomi Pariwisata Pari Manta di Raja Ampat Menggunakan Metode Biaya Perjalanan.

Bonus Images:

Many of you are familiar with Edy Setyawan and his work with elasmobranchs in Indonesia.  He manages the BHS Manta ID and Whaleshark databases.  Additionally Edy is a co-founder of Elasmobranch Institute Indonesia.  He is busy in the field as I write, surveying mantas by day and walking sharks at night.  He shares these images from yesterday, thanks Edy!

Snorkeling with a Manta Ray

Manta Rays at a cleaning station



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