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This research assesses shark diversity & relative abundance in the epicentre of global marine biodiversity: the remote tropical islands of Raja Ampat, Papua! Sharks are ancient animals important for healthy oceans, yet they are threatened with extinction. The people of Raja Ampat live harmoniously with nature, but outside threats are encroaching. Guardians of their heritage, local people, supported by international organizations such as Conservation International (CI), set up Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) for conservation and the local government has recently declared the entire region a Sanctuary for Sharks & Rays. These management initiatives, combined with effective patrol & enforcement, and understanding shark populations, should help locals manage MPAs to protect these charismatic species, thus helping improve food security and alternative livelihoods through tourism. This project was a joint initiative between CI, RRU (Royal Roads University) student Angela Beer and NSERC (The Canadian National Science and Engineering Research Council). The more we know about these cool, ancient animals, the better we can protect them – Say CHEESE, Sharkies!!!