UNIPA – Universitas Negeri Papua, or the Papua State University (UNIPA)

Based in the Manokwari, the capital of West Papua, UNIPA was founded in 2000 as an institute of higher learning separate from its former position as the Faculty of Agriculture of Universitas Cenderawasih, based in Jayapura. UNIPA increasingly plays a key role in the Birds Head Seascape effort, including leading an ambitious social-economic monitoring program, leading beach management activities in the joint Abun Leatherback conservation effort, contributing to knowledge of fisheries and marine resource use, and being an active participant in BHS Secretariat and provincial-level functions. UNIPA is a key partner in developing the strong local science capacity in West Papua needed to ensure the sustainability of the Birds Head Seascape program. And as an impartial government entity, it plays an important role in facilitating science-based decision-making and policy.